Thursday, November 19, 2009

Truitt O'neal

Truitt O'neal works for Radio One. He gave us a little information, and it was well said. He said to go after your dreams and have set goals. He also said research what you want to do with your degree and ask ourselves why we picked our major and what we would do with it. I really dont know exactly everything i want to do but i know where i want to be, Stable and Happy.


5th African American Literature Symposium

The Literature symposium was really good, I caught the keynote speaker Dr. Mark Anthony Neal. He touched on many points that interested me. His topic was " Nearly Flawless Masculinity". The first thing that he mentioned that really sunk me in was that we as a people were stuck on Obama as a brand, and not focusing on the things that he really had to offer. Black people were hyped to have an African American President, but did not understand his purpose. He then talked about how President Obama was nearly flawless, almost perfect, but still had to fight harder then the past 43 presidents who were simply mediocre but white. " The next to proceed him will most likely be mediocre also". Although President Obama did not grow up with his father, Obama now challenged the myth that society has on black fathers. Neal also spoke about distinguishing ‘Niggas’ and black men. Rappers seemed to over exaggerate and overly praise their "Black Masculinity", while black "men" (meaning professionals) are forced to underplay it. Neal brought up Sarah Palin, and how she represented white "purity". After Obama's moving speech on the hill Palin was announced VP For McCain, although this may have seemed crazy, it was a very smart and strategic plan that took Obama's shining moment and backed him into a corner. He said how looking back into slavery days no black man could ever talk to a white women let alone have the two at a podium debating. One of my final points i enjoyed was how he mentioned the media and how they focus on the first lady, he used examples saying “the media probe and pick at her" and no other first lady has ever been in so much lime light or gotten so much attention. No other first lady’s' body has been under so much "scrutiny". This speaker was wonderful, I also got a chance to listen to a little of the Question and answer section, and he spoke on the topic "nigga" being used by black people and in our music. He stated that after taking a poll and asking teens about the music they listen to and do they agree 70 % said no they don’t agree with the lyrics, after asking why they listen to it they replied: " I listen to it for the beats, I never really catch the lyrics, unless they repeat it over and over on the radio" Neal then stated " this is in fair part due to people like Cathy Hughes, who know how to market music, but at what cost?" After this last question the host quickly ended the event. I enjoyed Mr. Neal and he was greatly appreciated by NCCU.

The Industry

The video that we watched called the "Industry" was really interesting. It made me see that managers have ALOT to do from basic parenting skills to MAJOR business deals, they have alot on there plates, and they do it ALL behind the scenes and do not get enough credit for all their hard work. I liked the idea of how they showed three different managers of famous artists who were popular, and some even more popular now. The industry was raw and realistic, and it made me see that, that is not what i want to do, but i wouldn't mind being the artist.