Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chris "play" Martin

I enjoyed our speaker/ fellow eagle today. I feel he had great points, and i love his attitude. He has a good outlook on things, "the children are our future" type of thing going on. The way he listened to us with the same respect we gave him, if not more was really nice. I could tell that people were obviously inspired, especially me. Listening to our dreams, and wat we WANT out of life. I didnt talk much, felt kinda starstruck at FIRST, but later he made his self clear that he is no different from us. I would like to see his website again( hopefully all the links will work this time.) I wish we could have had more time discussing music. because i love it. ME being an aspiring radio personality, and hopefully one day working with films, i feel as though he would have alot of good tips and i will be contacting him on facebook.

Black Girls Walking

This documentary was a good idea, but i do not feel it was well put. I think it should have had more variety more Men and their opinions. I agree with the director. I do feel that men can be posessive, harsh, and rude AT TIMES. This video is in a certiain neighborhood, but from what i have went through with boys it has never been to that extent, jus basically mental abuse Nothing even close to physical. I love the idea of the video and i feel that it should be re-done , so that it would not feel one sided. question the guys like WHO? What? and WHy? and ask if they dont do it have they seen this behaivor done.
ALSo i feel that in a way this documentary was more of a calling to the black community asking HOW and WHY would they treat their own women this way? It did focus on african americans, and i feel she wanted that message to be read too.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I Expect To learn about the media and how it influences the nation. I expect for this class to give me the basis i need to successfully earn my degree in Mass Communications.I will also be able to diffrentiate between facts and believing media. i expect to learn the importance of news and current issues. i expect to do hands on projects that will better me in the future. I believe this semester will be very fun and exciting. Im eager to learn more of my major, and one day soon hopefully establish a career.